They say one should be courageous enough to kill oneself but long stated that suicide is an act of cowardice. Well though the former makes a lot of sense, the latter justifies the truth. Life ain’t a banana peel to be scraped off before enjoying the fruit. We also fail to realize that the scraped banana peel can act as a source of parity to trip a lot of people around you. How lame and selfish can someone be? Not just you end your life but also you are ending the dreams and joys of the people around you who care for you, who love you and sometimes may be who just are living because, YOU ARE.
I agree life ain’t sweet to us always but then again what’s the fun if we don’t fight for it. Bitter moments do exist in life. That doesn’t even give you a valid reason to kill yourself.
Wondering what is this shit all about? Let me tell you. I get up in the morning and open the newspaper for the first time. The first thing I read ‘Girl jumps in front of running elephant to commit suicide. Elephant trips and passes away’. Funny huh? Not for the elephant though. On a serious note, the headline read ‘Girl jumps off from an eight – storey apartment, but survives’. Yes she did survive but the latter part of the news also said she had 17 irreversible fractures and her mother passed away due to shock. The reason as according to the source was that she didn’t get through some very reputed college because her marks were less than the cut off. Just by a couple. Really, is our life just worth a college seat? Or may be a sweetheart (who actually never respected you)? Is suicide the only way to solve your problems? To attain liberation?
I just couldn’t resist but write about this issue. That news actually hurt me. Thinking about that girl’s mother? Her irreversible fractures?
Kevin Bernhardt quoted life has just three rules. Paradox, humour, and change.
1. Paradox: Life is a mystery. Don't waste time trying to figure it out.
2. Humour: Keep a sense of humour, especially about yourself. It is strength beyond all
3. Change: Know that nothing stays the same.
Well sounds so philosophical but surely ain’t no LIE. Suicide is not a solution. It is an act of helplessness and hopelessness. More of the latter.
What I’ve Learnt: Death isn’t sad. It is just that we don’t live at all. There are NO ORDINARY MOMENTS. The day you realize it you’ll get to know how special your LIFE is. The JOURNEY is what brings us HAPPINESS not the DESTINATION. Death is just a mere destination.
Eat well sleep safe.. Take care.. Have a Nice Day.. Sayonara.. =)