Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wait, Stir and Drink

Crap. This is the first word that’s gonna come in your head after reading this post. Lemme be frank about it. But if you actually give it a thought I’m sure you will uncover a lot of glorious moments that would have happened if you had just killed your laziness and stubbornness at the right time.

I’d just got up from bed at around 11 ‘o’ clock (thanks for ma phone), heard it ringing so got up. It was ma mom. She told me that she had to attend some wedding so she had kept the milk on the table, the geyser switch was on and other stuff (actually instructions that they love to give when they are not at home). Then I walked all way to the table as I was feeling lazy to go brush ma teeth, grabbed the milk cup, sat on ma couch and turned on the T.V. switch. And guess what ma favoooooooooooraaaaatttteee show was on (I know I made a mountain out of a molehill, kidding). Well anyway back to the couch.

Watching the stuff I just sipped the milk. And realized that something was missing. It was sugar. Milk is something that I hate to compromise with anything. So I was very pissed off with ma mom because she knew how much I liked drinking milk and yet she forgot to add sugar to the milk. I wanted to walk across ma living room to the kitchen to get some sugar. But I just felt very lazy and I didn’t want to miss ma favorite show also. So I just thought that I would drink the milk, the sour way.

And I gobbled the whole milk in a gulp. When I did that I discovered that almost a tea spoon of some residue kinda stuff had entered ma mouth in a gush. And I was shocked (not surprised) to learn that this residue was nothing but sugar. I was so cockeyed by what had just happened.

You might be wondering why am I sharing such a lame story with you guys. Well things like this keep happening in life but we fail to grasp one small thing and that is we fail to learn the minuscule little message that life wants teach us.

What I Learnt: It might sound philosophical or boring but please bear me for another hundred words and I’m sure you’ll have a smile before leaving this blog. Back to the milk and the sugar story.

Our life is just like the milk and the sugar is all those sweet surprises that takes our breath away. But all we forget to do is wait, stir and drink. We want everything at a click. So we just drink it in a gulp and discover the surprises at the end (when life’s almost done).

So guys give it a thought. Life can be more wonderful than it is. So don’t give yourself a chance to regret. Have a little patience.

Wait, Stir and Drink…

Eat well, Sleep safe. Sayonara

Have a Nice Day [=)]


  1. it is very nice and philosophical..
    but i felt it is exaggeration and artificial!!
    and it is soo not you..
    then i realised that it is so very natural of you to be artificial... keep goin!!

  2. at some point of life we all hav to stop and think wat r we doin here?? why the hell am i living? am i livin my life or sumone elses?? if you realise you are not doin justice to ur life just hit the rewind button and live it again. yeah i know it is not possible.. so just live YOUR life to the fullest from now on... rock on manju...

